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There is $17.5 billion in lost and unclaimed super across Australia.

According to the Australian Tax Office (ATO), this lost super is spread across more than 6.2 million accounts.

People can lose contact with their super funds as easily as changing their name or job, moving house, or just by not keeping their details up to date, the ATO has reported.

If you think you might be the owner of lost or unclaimed super after consulting this map, click here to find out how you can check and reclaim the money that belongs to you.

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There is $17.5 billion in lost and unclaimed super across Australia.

According to the Australian Tax Office (ATO), this lost super is spread across more than 6.2 million accounts.

People can lose contact with their super funds as easily as changing their name or job, moving house, or just by not keeping their details up to date, the ATO has reported.

If you think you might be the owner of lost or unclaimed super after consulting this map, click here to find out how you can check and reclaim the money that belongs to you.