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Lucy Dean

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superannuation funds

You don’t want your fund to get this wrong

It’s easy to fix but if savers don’t know where to look, this mistake can cascade and become “very expensive”. ...Read More
Retirees, reitrement, HILDA, self-funded retirees

Target self-funded retirees to address inequality: HILDA

High levels of inequality in Australia’s senior population reflects different levels of retirement savings, and taxing...Read More
piggy banks, market, fixed income market

You can’t afford to ignore these markets

The fixed income market has “really matured” in the last 10 years, so investors can no longer ignore these markets, ...Read More
SMSFs, couple talking to an advisor

Are ‘hybrid SMSFs’ the future?

Without engaging with super, it can be hard for savers to feel like it’s truly theirs. But a new entrant to the indust...Read More
cutting fees, super fund

This super fund is cutting fees for new parents

In a bid to address the super gender gap, an Australian super fund will cut fees for new parents for the first six month...Read More
SMSFs, retail fund members, satisfaction

SMSFs, retail fund members can’t get no satisfaction

Industry fund members are happiest, and getting happier, while retail fund members’ and SMSFs’ satisfaction slides, ...Read More
Wealth, AUstralians miserable

Why are Australians so miserable about wealth?

Widely held but inaccurate beliefs that economic prosperity hasn’t trickled down are a reflection of growing uncertain...Read More
inequality, investors

Investors urged to speak out against inequality

Shareholders have been urged to push back against gender equality laggards and consider exiting business relationships w...Read More

Customers come first but dividends will soften: AMP

AMP Limited will carve out $290 million to compensate customers hurt by poor financial advice in a bid to salvage trust,...Read More