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Expert tips to secure your financial safety net

By Newsdesk
  • February 27 2024
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Expert tips to secure your financial safety net

By Newsdesk
February 27 2024

New Zealanders are known for their "she'll be right" attitude, but when it comes to handling unexpected bills, being prepared is crucial.

Expert tips to secure your financial safety net

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By Newsdesk
  • February 27 2024
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New Zealanders are known for their "she'll be right" attitude, but when it comes to handling unexpected bills, being prepared is crucial.

Expert tips to secure your financial safety net

Financial experts recommend having a foolproof plan for building an emergency fund to provide a financial lifeline during unforeseen circumstances. By adopting a strategic approach, including budgeting hacks to high-interest accounts, individuals can start securing their financial future today.

Developing a savings plan is essential. The Kiwi Concerns Report highlighted that one in three New Zealanders have less than $1,000 saved, which often isn't sufficient for most financial emergencies. Experts suggest aiming for a fund that covers at least three to six months of living expenses. While this goal may appear ambitious, with a well-thought-out plan, it is achievable.

Cutting out unnecessary expenses can also play a significant role in building an emergency fund. Small lifestyle changes, such as reducing daily luxury expenses and evaluating regular subscriptions, can free up significant amounts of money. Tips include cooking more at home, downsizing phone plans, shopping around for insurance, and negotiating bills to lower costs.


Maximising cash windfalls and bonuses is another way to boost emergency savings quickly. It's tempting to spend unexpected financial gains on luxuries, but allocating a portion to an emergency fund can significantly enhance financial security. "Rapid boost," "wellbeing," and "peace of mind" are just some of the benefits mentioned for maximising windfalls for emergency funds. Strategies include prioritising savings, investing in low-risk options, reducing high-interest debt, and planning for future goals.

Expert tips to secure your financial safety net

Choosing the right place to store the emergency fund is vital, with high-interest savings accounts offering numerous advantages, such as competitive interest rates and easy access when funds are needed. To maximise earnings, individuals should compare interest rates, consider any fees, and ensure their account offers convenient access to funds.

In summary, building an emergency fund requires time, dedication, and a proactive approach. Starting with realistic goals, making consistent contributions, and adjusting plans as necessary can lead to the creation of a robust financial safety net. With the right strategies, the common Kiwi saying "she'll be right" becomes a reality of being well-prepared for any financial surprises. Additionally, individuals are encouraged to consider life insurance policies to further protect their family's financial future.

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