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AMP launches national campaign to boost super engagement

  • August 26 2024
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AMP launches national campaign to boost super engagement

By Newsdesk
August 26 2024

AMP has unveiled a new national advertising campaign aimed at encouraging Australians to engage more actively with their superannuation.

AMP launches national campaign to boost super engagement

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  • August 26 2024
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AMP has unveiled a new national advertising campaign aimed at encouraging Australians to engage more actively with their superannuation.

AMP launches national campaign to boost super engagement

The integrated 'Get super close to your super' campaign, developed in partnership with CHEP Network, launched across television, outdoor and radio platforms.

It challenges the traditional dynamic between super funds and their members by depicting Australians reaching out to AMP in situations typically reserved for close friends.

Melinda Howes, AMP's Group Executive Superannuation & Investments, said the campaign was developed in response to research findings.

"Our research showed us that many Australians are disengaged from their super and that it's only when they get nearer to retirement that they appreciate its importance to their quality of life in retirement," Ms Howes said.

AMP launches national campaign to boost super engagement

The advertisements feature AMP Super taking on the role of a trusted confidante in unlikely circumstances, such as discussing a crush or lamenting a bad haircut.

Through this approach, AMP aims to encourage Australians to lean on their relationship with their super fund and engage in meaningful conversations about maximising their retirement savings well before they start thinking about retiring.

"Through this creative and light-hearted campaign AMP wants to encourage more people to 'get close to their super', so they can make the most of their working years and maximise their retirement savings," Ms Howes said.

The campaign marks AMP's first major above-the-line advertising focus on superannuation in several years.

"We've got a really compelling proposition for members, and this is the first time in many years that AMP is going above the line with a focus on super," Ms Howes said.

The 'Get super close to your super' campaign will be featured across television, radio, outdoor advertising, social media and online platforms.

It builds on AMP's 'Whatever wealthy you want' campaign, launched in February 2023, which encompassed AMP's broader business units across banking, retirement and investment solutions.

The campaign is underpinned by AMP's stated purpose of helping people create their tomorrow.

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