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Rest members back calls for fairer superannuation rules ahead of Federal Budget

  • March 24 2025
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Rest members back calls for fairer superannuation rules ahead of Federal Budget

By Newsdesk
March 24 2025

Rest has called on the Federal Government to implement superannuation reforms aimed at improving fairness across the system, after member survey results showed strong support for a range of proposed policy changes.

Rest members back calls for fairer superannuation rules ahead of Federal Budget

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  • March 24 2025
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Rest has called on the Federal Government to implement superannuation reforms aimed at improving fairness across the system, after member survey results showed strong support for a range of proposed policy changes.

Rest members back calls for fairer superannuation rules ahead of Federal Budget

Research commissioned by the industry super fund found significant backing for reforms recommended in its 2025–26 Pre-Budget Submission. The survey, conducted by Redbridge Group, received responses from more than 1,000 Rest members aged 18 and over.

According to the findings, 71 per cent supported extending superannuation to all workers under 18, regardless of the hours they work, while only 5 per cent opposed the idea. A similar proportion supported introducing superannuation credits for carers, with only 3 per cent opposed.

Updating the Low Income Super Tax Offset (LISTO) also received strong backing, with 77 per cent of respondents in favour of making it fairer for low-income workers. Meanwhile, 80 per cent supported changing inheritance rules to prevent family violence perpetrators from receiving their victim’s superannuation benefits.


Rest’s chief strategy and corporate affairs officer Tyrone O’Neill said the results showed the public was open to changes that would improve equity within the retirement system.

Rest members back calls for fairer superannuation rules ahead of Federal Budget

“Rest represents over 2 million Australians, including around 1.2 million women and 1 million workers under the age of 30,” Mr O’Neill said.

“This is equivalent to one-in-seven working Australians – a sizeable segment of the labour force – expressing support for fairer and more equitable super.”

Rest’s top policy priority is extending the Superannuation Guarantee to under-18 workers, including those working fewer than 30 hours a week. Mr O’Neill urged the Government to commit to the reform in the upcoming Budget, suggesting it include a multi-year implementation plan with consultation and transition periods for employers.

“The current rules are unfair and disadvantaging young Australian workers,” he said.

The fund is also advocating for progress on financial advice reforms, a review into superannuation carer credits, and further measures to improve retirement outcomes.

Additional recommendations in Rest’s submission include raising LISTO thresholds, introducing data-sharing frameworks between government and super funds, developing a First Nations Retirement Strategy, and implementing policy settings to encourage institutional investment in housing.

Rest is also calling for more clarity on the sustainable finance agenda and emissions reduction targets to help guide long-term investment decisions.

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